
Managing profiles and devices with the Rogers Xfinity app

You can use Rogers Xfinity appto set up personalized profiles for family members, guests or activities. Once created, these profiles let you turn on Parental Controls, Downtime Schedules, or Active Time Limits for assigned devices connected to your home WiFi network. In this article, learn how to manage profiles and their assigned devices with the Rogers Xfinity app.

About profiles with the Rogers Xfinity app

The Rogers Xfinity app is available only for Rogers Internet customers with the Rogers Xfinity Gateway. Not sure if this is your modem? Check under “Internet” on your MyRogers account 

There are two profiles automatically included with your Rogers Xfiniy app: Household and Guest. 

  • Household: This profile is for smart home devices used by all family members, like a thermostat, security system and door locks. 

  • Guest: This profile is intended for visitors' devices that you'd like to keep track of. 

These profiles can't be deleted, and they'll only appear in the People section if devices are assigned to them. 

Creating a profile with the Rogers Xfinity app

You can manage devices connected to your home network more efficiently by assigning them to a profile. Create a profile for an individual (e.g. Mom) or a group (e.g. Kids); then, assign their devices to that profile. 

  1. Open theRogers Xfinity app and sign in using your MyRogers username and password. 

  1. SelectWiFi. 

  1. Select the Plus icon (+) or Add a personand follow the prompts. 

  1. Enter a Name for the profile and choose an icon image to help identify it. When done, select Add person. 

  1. Select Manage people. 

  1. Select Assign devices and choose the devices you want to associate to the new profile. 

Once set up, the new profile will appear under the Manage People section of the Rogers Xfinity app. From here, you can set up or connect more devices to profiles by selecting Assign a Device. For each profile, you’ll be able to view connected devices, pause access or select the profile to edit its details. 

Things to consider: 

  • Select the settings icon for more customization options, including Downtime Schedules, Active Time Limits and Parental Controls. These will apply to all devices on the profile, except Rogers Xfinity Entertainment Boxes.

Managing profiles

Access and manage all profiles from the People menu in the Rogers Xfinity app. This includes assigning devices to a profile, pausing Internet access for all devices in a profile, renaming or deleting profiles and more. 

To manage profiles: 

  1. Open theRogers Xfinity app. 

  1. Select the People menu. 

  1. View your profiles. 

  1. To assign a device, select Assign Devicein a profile. 

  1. To pause Internet access for all devices in a profile, select Pause All Devices below the profile. 

  1. Tap or click on an individual profile to assign a device, rename or delete the profile. 

Assigning devices to preset profiles 

FromManage people, select Assign these recommended devices and you’ll see two optional profiles that you can assign devices to: 

  • Household profile: Suitable for smart home or other devices used by multiple people in the home. 

  • Guest profile: Suitable for managing connected devices from visiting friends or family members. 

Understanding profile status indicators 

In Rogers Xfinity, your profiles have indicator icons to show their status. A pause symbol on a profile icon indicates that all devices assigned to the profile are currently paused. 

Deleting a profile 

You can remove a profile from the Rogers Xfinity app, but note this will also delete any assigned devices. 

To delete a profile: 

  1. Open theRogers Xfinity app. 

  1. Select thePeople menu. 

  1. Find the profile you'd like to delete and select it. 

  1. Once you’ve opened the profile, select the Settings cog at the top-right of the screen. 

  1. From the setting menu, scroll down and select the profile name. 

  1. SelectDelete Profile.

Managing devices with the Rogers Xfinity app

In this section, learn how to manage and personalize devices connected to your home network with the Rogers Xfinity app. Personalizing your devices lets you easily identify them, view network activity, pause Internet access and more. In the Devices section of Rogers Xfinity app, you can view all devices that are currently or were previously connected to your home network, as well as devices that may have paused Internet access.

Identifying a device

When a device first connects to your home network, the default name of the device is displayed on the Rogers Xfinity app. The default name usually includes the manufacturer or model (for example, "Samsung" or "iPhone"), or the MAC address of the device. 

If you don't recognize a device, try these steps: 

  • Go to the Devices section in the Rogers Xfinity app. Select the device from the list, then select Device Details to see the manufacturer. 

  • If the device is connected to your home network, there should be a green dot that shows it's online. This may also help you figure out what device it is. 

  • Access the hostname or MAC address in your device's settings. If the default name displayed is a long string of numbers and letters, it's likely the MAC address.

Personalizing a device

Name a device and give it an icon for easier reference on the Rogers Xfinity app. 

  1. Open the Rogers Xfinity app or web portal. 

  1. Select the Devices menu. 

  1. If you haven't yet personalized a device, select the Personalize button at the top of the screen and follow the prompts. To personalize other devices, continue to Step 4 below.  

  1. Select the device you want to personalize. 

  1. Click the Editbutton at the top-right.  

  1. Click See all device types to change the device icon.  

  1. Choose the device type (for example, "Phone" or "Tablet"), then click Next. Scroll up and down to see more device types.  

  1. Click on Device Name and enter a name for the device (for example, "Kate's iPhone"). 

  1. Select Apply Changes. 

  1. SelectCloseto return to the device details page.

Assigning a device to a different profile

Reassign a device from one profile to another on the Rogers Xfinity app. 

  1. Open the Rogers Xfinity app. 

  1. Select the Devices menu. 

  1. Select the device you want to reassign. 

  1. Scroll down to Preferences and select Edit beside the profile name that the device is currently assigned to.  

  1. Choose the profile that you'd like to reassign the device to, then click Apply.  

  1. SelectClose to return to the device details page.

Removing a device

Removing a device from Rogers Xfinity will remove it from the Devices section, and any associated profiles. If applicable, this will also clear all historical network activity for that device in the Rogers Xfinity app. 

  1. Disconnect the device from your home WiFi network. 

  1. Open the Rogers Xfinity app or web portal 

  1. Select the Devicesmenu, scroll down to Not Connected and select the device you want to remove.  

  1. Scroll down and select Device Details.  

  1. Select Forget Deviceat the bottom.  

  1. Confirm by selecting Forget Device again. 

  1. The device has now been removed. If it reconnects to your home network, it'll appear as a new device in the Rogers Xfinity app. 


Understanding device status icons

In the Rogers Xfinity app, your devices are displayed with status icons. This is what each status icon represents: 

  • A green dotindicates the device is currently connected to your home network.  

  • A pause symbol indicates the device is currently paused and can't access your home network.   

  • A greyed-out device means the device isn't currently connected to your home network.