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How unlimited internet can help your business grow

Boost your productivity and expand your reach by equipping your team with the bandwidth they need

Group of people sitting on a table with electronic devices, collaborating

Whether you’re expanding your team, your client base or your company’s offerings, growth is a key component of small-business success. And achieving it requires equipping yourself and your employees with the right tools. In today’s digital age, that means having an internet package that helps you and your team work, share and connect with ease.

That’s where unlimited internet comes in.

With an unlimited internet package, you never have to worry about keeping a vigilant eye on your company’s monthly usage for fear of overages. Everyone can upload, download, stream, collaborate, share and chat as much as needed.

Here are three scenarios illustrating how unlimited internet helps with small-business growth.

Scenario #1: MJ runs a small architecture firm, and she and her team rely on their cloud-based productivity suite to work on projects.

Uploading, downloading, sharing and collaborating on large files – such as blueprints, proposals, photos and videos – consumes a lot of data, and MJ realized her company was hitting its monthly cap well before month’s end. She decided to switch to an unlimited internet package with high download and upload speeds, so that she and her colleagues would have all the bandwidth they need to work without interruption (or overages). As a result, they were able to boost productivity, meet client deadlines faster and expand the services they offer.

Scenario #2: William is a management expert whose business offers workshops to companies across Canada.

As his business was growing, so were the travel costs for William and his small team of corporate trainers. The time they were spending travelling from place to place was also limiting the number of workshops they could feasibly operate in any given month. William quickly realized that an unlimited internet package would allow his team to host workshops via videoconference, thereby dramatically reducing his company's expenses and eliminating time wasted in travel. That, in turn, has allowed William to add more workshops – and several new clients – to his roster.

Scenario #3: Dominique recently hired two summer students at her growing Web-design business.

Bountiful data benefits micro-businesses as much as it does larger enterprises, and Dominique learned this shortly after launching her company. Initially a solo venture, Dominique’s business grew quickly, and she signed up for an unlimited internet package as a way to manage costs. She knew unlimited internet would allow her to continue to add staff as needed, and have everyone stay productive without adding to the size of her internet bill.

No matter what kind of small business you operate, an unlimited internet package not only removes limits on how much your team can do online, it can help you ensure there are fewer limits on how big your venture can become.

To read more about how unlimited internet can boost productivity, click here.