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Keeping happily every after, even after a while

Married parents La Vance and Colleen Dotson created the app WooYourBoo to share their lessons in love and help other couples keep their connection.

Watch now – The WooYourBoo story

With three kids and two full-time careers, it’s understandable for any couple to put romance on the backburner. That was the case for La Vance and Colleen Dotson, 15 years into their marriage. After complaining that her husband was failing to continue to court her, La Vance realized that though there’s plenty of advice on how to pursue a relationship, there wasn’t much chatter about keeping one. After rekindling their bond, the duo decided to use their lessons and create WooYourBoo, an app designed to help couples connect and communicate better through quizzes and activities.

Launched in 2018, the Dotsons really began focusing on the business during the pandemic after seeing fellow couples struggle with lockdown. The app enables partners to learn more about each other’s needs through fun, no-pressure games and a points system with rewards like personalized date ideas.

The motivation behind the fun app is serious, especially for La Vance who grew up with parents who fought frequently. The couple is passionate about helping others create stronger relationship bonds and in turn, a more stable family life for their children.

It was tough yet rewarding for the pair to launch the business, especially as Black entrepreneurs. They worked with mentors and fellow leaders to create a company that now employs a handful of others. “Being an entrepreneur is hard,” reflects Colleen. “You’re going to get 1,000 no’s before you get one yes.” But as her husband emphasizes, “There’s nothing you can’t do. You can absolutely do it.”

The couple continues to grow the WooYourBoo app and help couples with every click.




