Sustainable solution for parking management
Smart Parking is a sensor-guided parking solution that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, promotes citizen satisfaction and boosts parking revenues.

Reduce traffic, promote sustainability and boost revenues with Rogers Smart Parking
No matter the size of your community, parking always seems to be at a premium. Limited space forces drivers to search for spots, wasting time and burning more fuel. At the same time, other spots might go unnoticed, leaving drivers frustrated while parking stands empty. Without clear information and wayfinding, it's impossible for parking lots to dynamically adapt to different uses. Some commuters could just be running errands while others might be weekend shoppers and diners. Rogers Smart Parking seamlessly guides drivers to the most convenient available space, reducing both traffic and vehicle emissions. Parking data is collected from overhead sensors that identify the position of a parked car and an available parking space. Edge computing maintains the privacy of drivers, so that the only information leaving the sensor is the coordinates of a parking space and its availability. Less time wasted searching for parking not only promotes sustainability and driver satisfaction, but also helps maximize revenue from parking assets.
Analytics grounded in near real time data to make informed decisions about parking assets usage.
A decrease in traffic in congested areas, promoting sustainability and citizen satisfaction.
Location-specific parking can be tailored to the type of vehicle using the lot, as well as the day of the week and time of day, therefore providing the most efficient use of available space.
Better use of community assets through more efficient parking can also help improve parking revenues.
A single pane of glass to manage the solution, which also allows you to incorporate mobile payment, metres, enforcement and guidance, among others.
Smart Cities
Create a better future for your communities with sustainability made smarter.