The simplest way to build a WAN.
Why get Ethernet from Rogers Business?

Get higher bandwidth at a lower cost than legacy technology.
Get speeds up to 10 Gbps on our fibre backbone, which has multiple paths to bypass outages.
With more than 76,000 km of fibre routes, our network provides access to hundreds of thousands of fibre-ready locations.

Add new services and increase bandwidth seamlessly—no new hardware or technician visits needed.
International certifications
The Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) has certified Ethernet from Rogers Business as MEF 9 and MEF 14 compliant: hallmarks for carriers who deliver advanced Ethernet services.
Ethernet works for the following topologies:

- Connect one site to another
- No redundancy costs
- Operated on Rogers Layer 3 fault-tolerant, multi-path
- No special support needed

- Defined by a hub that communicates simultaneously or individually with satellite sites
- Offers considerable control because satellites only talk to each other with the hub’s permission
- An excellent option for connectivity between many branches
- Each site is connected to all others sharing a single broadcast domain
- MEF-certified engineers are readily available to design special use-case solutions