Set Up Your Wireless Voicemail

Follow these steps to set up wireless voicemail for the first time:

  1. To access your voicemail, hold down the number 1 on your keypad.
  2. When prompted, enter the 4-digit password that was provided to you in a text message when you initially activated your device or added voicemail to your plan (the default is the last 4 digits of your phone number).
  3. Follow the prompts to set up a new password and personalize your greeting (or you can use the default message).

To check your voicemail from another phone, dial your wireless number. When your recorded message plays, press # and then enter your password to hear your messages.

Setup HG and A/A voicemail

  1. Dial 1-877-643-7786
  2. Enter the phone number of the HG or A/A
  3. Enter the temporary password (the default is the number of the HG or A/A)
  4. Follow the prompts to set up a new password and personalize your greeting (or you can use the default message).

What is the storage and retention limits for Unison voicemail?

  • A maximum of 60 voicemail messages can be stored, up to a duration of 5 minutes per message.
  • Voice mail messages will be stored for 45 days.