Change your method of payment
To change your payment method, please follow the steps below:
- Go to MyBusiness Hub sign-in page
- Select Sign in>
- Enter your username and password.
- Option: you can select ‘Remember me’ check box if you want the browser to remember your sign-in credentials for the next sign in.
- Select Sign in
- Select Change Method of Payment from the My Business Account section.
- Once in the new page, if you want to change the payment method for a different account, select the Account from the top bar.
- Now, select View Bill from the Overview page, and
- Select Change Payment Method.
From here on, follow the steps depending on the services:
For wireless account:
8. There are three payment option tabs, of which two are pre-authorized payment methods:
- Chequing Account
- Pre-Authorized Credit Card
- It takes 2 business days for the change to be in effect.
For internet TV and stand-alone accounts:
8. Select the Pre-Authorized Credit Card tab to setup pre-authorized payments and enter the details requested.
- If you don’t have pre-authorized payments set up, Rogers will send you monthly invoices and you can make a payment by the due date.
- It takes 2 business days for the change to be in effect.
Important: The first automatic payment will be taken 14 days after the next cycle close date. If an invoice is already generated and its payment is due, please make a one-time credit card payment to settle it and avoid late payment charges.