Manage wireless data access for a subscriber

To turn on or off the access to wireless data on your account, please follow the steps below:
Please note: these steps are applicable for shared wireless plans only.

  1. Go to MyBusiness Hub sign-in page
  2. Select Sign in>
  3. Enter your username and password.
    • Option: you can select ‘Remember me’ check box if you want the browser to remember your sign-in credentials for the next sign-in. 
  4.  Select Sign in.
  5. Once signed in, select Wireless Data Usage from the My Business Account section.
    • If you want to manage the data access on a different account, select Overview from the top bar.
    • Select the Account from the top bar.
    • Select Manage Data Usage & Alerts from the Overview page. 
  6. In the new page, scroll down to Manage Usage Alerts/Data Access section. The table below shows the usage for individual subscribers.
  7. Use the toggle switch under Data Access to turn on (switch turns green) or turn off (switch turns grey) the data access for a particular subscriber.
    • You can search by name or phone number to locate the desired subscriber. 
    • You can sort by selecting Data Access
  8. Select Yes, pause data or Yes, restore data to confirm your selection.
    • You’ll see a confirmation message. 
    • The changes take effect immediately. 
    • The end user receives an SMS to notify them of the change. 
    • Data access automatically restores at the start of the next billing cycle.