Reserve a device on My Business Account

To reserve a device, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to MyBusiness Hub sign-in page
  2. Select Sign in >
  3. Enter your username and password.
    Option: you can select ‘Remember me’ check box if you want the browser to remember your sign-in credentials for the next sign in
  4. Select Sign in
  5. Once signed in, select My Business Account header on the dashboard page.
  6. Select the Account from the top bar.
  7. From the Services tab or Overview page, select the Subscriber for which you wish to reserve a device.
  8. Select Reserve Device under the Manage Device section.
  9. Now, select Orders from the top right of the Rogers Reservation System for Business page.
  10. From the drop-down menu, select Place Order.
  11. Select Hardware Upgrade.
  12. Populate the required fields with your account and phone number information.
  13. For bulk orders, select Add Another to add up to 10 other phone numbers.
    • You can only place a bulk order if the orders are for the same device.
  14. Check the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions, then select Continue.
  15. Select the device you wish to reserve.
  16. Select the offer and enter all other information requested.
  17. Select if you want a paper or email version of the wireless service agreement and select Next.
  18. Verify the order summary and select Submit.
    • You’ll get the order receipt at the end of the order.