Reset your Voicemail box and password
To reset your Voicemail box and password, please follow the steps below:
- Go to MyBusiness Hub sign-in page
- Select Sign in >
- Enter your username and password.
Option: you can select ‘Remember me’ check box if you want the browser to remember your sign-in credentials for the next sign in - Select Sign in
- Select the My Business Account header on the dashboard page
- Select the Account from the top bar
- Select the Subscriber from the Services tab or Overview page
- Select Reset Voice Mailbox. You’ll get an alert: “Please note: if you reset your voice mailbox, you’ll delete your current greeting and all new or saved messages.”
- To continue with reset, select Reset Voice Mailbox. You'll get a confirmation message stating your voice mailbox reset request has been submitted. You’ll also receive a text message with further instructions