Reset your Voicemail box and password

To reset your Voicemail box and password, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to MyBusiness Hub sign-in page
  2. Select Sign in >
  3. Enter your username and password.
    Option: you can select ‘Remember me’ check box if you want the browser to remember your sign-in credentials for the next sign in
  4. Select Sign in
  5. Select the My Business Account header on the dashboard page
  6. Select the Account from the top bar
  7. Select the Subscriber from the Services tab or Overview page
  8. Select Reset Voice Mailbox. You’ll get an alert: “Please note: if you reset your voice mailbox, you’ll delete your current greeting and all new or saved messages.”
  9. To continue with reset, select Reset Voice Mailbox. You'll get a confirmation message stating your voice mailbox reset request has been submitted. You’ll also receive a text message with further instructions