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Hours of operation: 24/7

Can I use my existing line with Rogers Unison?

If you’d like to start using your business phone number with Rogers Unison TM , check below to see if we can use your line with this service. Rogers Unison can also work with wireless numbers.

Can I use my current business number?

Check if you can use your current business phone number with Rogers Unison.

Great news! You can bring your existing number to Rogers Unison.

Call 1-866-733-9467 to get started.

Sorry, this number can’t be serviced by Rogers Unison. However, we can still help you set up a wireless number. Please call 1-866-733-9467 to speak to a representative.

Please enter your phone number.

Please enter a valid phone number.

Sorry, the service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.


Looking for a new business number?

Check availability of new Rogers Unison numbers in your area.

Great news! Rogers Unison is available in your area. Call 1-866-733-9467 to get started.

Sorry, local numbers in this area can't be serviced by Rogers Unison. If you have other office locations, you can try looking up serviceability for that region. Rogers Unison is also available as a standalone mobile service using your company’s phones. If you are not a Rogers customer but would like more information, please call 1-866-733-9467 to speak to a sales representative.

Please enter a postal code.

Please enter a valid postal code.

Sorry, the service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

Sorry, local numbers in this area can't be serviced by Rogers Unison. If you have other office locations, you can try looking up serviceability for that region. Rogers Unison is also available as a standalone mobile service using your company’s phones. If you are not a Rogers customer but would like more information, please call 1-866-733-9467 to speak to a sales representative.

Have more than one line you want to use or couldn't find a new number in your area? Call us at 1-866-733-9467 for help.