Delivering Results in 2008
Delivering Results in 2008
Financial Highlights
Financial Highlights
Total Shareholder Return
Total Shareholder Return
Rogers Communications Inc. at a Glance
Rogers Communications Inc. at a Glance
Innovation in Communications, Information and Entertainment
Innovation in Communications, Information and Entertainment
In Tribute to Edward "Ted" S. Rogers
In Tribute to Edward "Ted" S. Rogers
Why Invest in Rogers
Why Invest in Rogers
A World of Communication
A World of Communication
A World of Information
A World of Information
A World of Entertainment
A World of Entertainment
A World Made Better for Customers
A World Made Better for Customers
Together with Our Communities
Together with Our Communities
Board of Directors and Its Committees
Board of Directors and Its Committees
Directors and Senior Corporate Officers of Rogers Communications Inc.
Directors and Senior Corporate Officers of Rogers Communications Inc.
Financial Section Contents
Financial Section Contents
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Management's Discussion and Analysis
1. Corporate Overview
1. Corporate Overview
2. Segment Review
2. Segment Review
3. Consolidated Liquidity and Financing
3. Consolidated Liquidity and Financing
4. Operating Environment
4. Operating Environment
5. Accounting Policies and Non-Gaap Measures
5. Accounting Policies and Non-Gaap Measures
6. Additional Financial Information
6. Additional Financial Information
Management's Responsibility for Financial Reporting
Management's Responsibility for Financial Reporting
Auditors' Report to the Shareholders
Auditors' Report to the Shareholders
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders ' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders ' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
"The Best is Yet to Come." Ted Rogers 1933 - 2008
"The Best is Yet to Come." Ted Rogers 1933 - 2008
Letter to Fellow Shareholders
Bringing Your World Together
2008 Financial & Operating Highlights
Management's Discussion & Analysis
Corporate & Shareholder Information
2008 Annual Report |