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Health and wellness resources on Rogers Xfinity TV and Rogers Streaming with the Rogers Xfinity Health at Home app

The Rogers Xfinity Health at Home app offers over 300 individual titles, several dozen curated video playlists and interactive games, all geared towards mental and physical health.

The app provides fitness, nutrition and wellness content by trusted and health-forward content providers such Working Mother, Epicurious, Popular Science and GQ. It also features a Movies section including a mix of free and rentable Video on Demand titles.

The Rogers Xfinity Health at Home app is available to all Rogers Rogers Xfinity bundle customers and Rogers Streaming customers, regardless of their package. Streaming Health at Home content on Rogers Xfinity TV or Rogers Streaming counts toward your monthly internet data usage.

You can access the app using either the voice command of your remote or in the apps section of your Rogers Xfinity TV or Rogers Streaming menu. Here’s how:

Using Voice Command

  1. Press and hold the Mic button on your Rogers Xfinity Voice Remote.
  2. Say, “Health at Home.
  3. The Health at Home app will open.

Using the Rogers Xfinity TV or Rogers Streaming Menu

  1. Press the Rogers button on your Voice Remote to open the main menu.
  2. Select Apps.
  3. Select Health at Home and press OK.
  4. The Health at Home app will open.