
Smart Home Monitoring – Video and Picture Storage

With a Smart Home Monitoring plan you can view, download and manage stored pictures and video clips taken by up to six Smart Home Monitoring cameras, for up to 30 days.

How many images can I store?

Customers with Automate and Basic packages

Store up to 50 video clips and 50 pictures per day on our Smart Home system.

Customers with Protect, Assure, Control, and older packages

Store up to 100 video clips and 400 pictures per day on our Smart Home system.

Where can I view and manage the pictures and video clips that my camera records?

You can view, download and delete pictures and video clips stored on our Smart Home system from your Smart Home Monitoring app.

Can I keep stored pictures and video clips for more than 30 days?

Absolutely. Simply use your Smart Home Monitoring app to download any picture or video clip to your smartphone or tablet within 30 days of the date that it was captured and stored.

Important: After 30 days, stored pictures and video clips are automatically removed from the Smart Home system.

What happens when my daily storage limit has been reached?

Once your plan’s daily storage limit is reached, the system will automatically stop recording video and stop taking pictures for the remainder of the day.

An email is automatically sent to notify you that the daily storage limit has been reached.

None of your previously captured pictures and video clips are removed, and the system will automatically resume recording videos and taking pictures the next day beginning at midnight.

What can I do to avoid going over my daily storage limit?

If you find that you’re exceeding your plan’s daily storage limit frequently, you have some options.

  • Adjust your camera’s sensitivity in the Manage Devices section of the Smart Home Monitoring app. This can help to reduce the number of pictures and videos that are being stored daily.

  • Modify or delete a rule you’ve created that automates video clip recordings or picture-taking, using the Smart Home Monitoring app.

  • Increase your storage by purchasing the Video & Picture Storage add-on, which is available for all Smart Home Monitoring packages and provides daily storage for up to 600 video clips and 1,000 pictures.