When you’re experiencing no dial tone, you won’t hear anything on your phone set when you pick it up and you can’t dial in or out.
No dial tone on your home phone may be because:
Rogers equipment is disconnected from a power source
Phone set has no power
Telephone wiring is disconnected or damaged
Network outage
Issue(s) with the Rogers connection to your home
This article provides tips on how to fix the above issues that may be causing no dial tone.
Getting started
This guide is meant to provide instruction should you find that a single handset or phone in your home is without a dial tone. Please make sure your home phone service is working on other phones in your home and that only one phone has a dial tone before moving on.
Before troubleshooting the various reasons why your phone doesn't have a dial tone, confirm the issue isn't related to Rogers Voice service or the One-Way Voice feature.
Rogers Voice: No dial tone on your Rogers Voice service that uses the Rogers Xfinity Gateway? This article will help you.
One-Way Voice: If you don't hear a dial tone on your phone and you’re unable to hear anything when you pick up, even if the call is connecting, you’re likely experiencing One Way Voice. Here are some helpful tips.