We understand that there may be circumstances where someone other than the account holder needs to manage the account due to legal or medical reasons. To help in these situations, we have outlined the necessary steps and requirements to process Power of Attorney (POA) requests effectively.
Information on Power of Attorney
What you’ll need
You'll need to provide a document that legally authorizes you to act on behalf of the account holder.
We can accept a signed and notarized:
- Power of Attorney for Personal Property
- General Power of Attorney
- Enduring Power of Attorney
Note: we cannot accept Power of Attorney for Personal Care as it doesn't pertain to financial or account management matters.
If the account holder is incapacitated or incarcerated a signed letter from a lawyer or doctor on business letterhead is required, stating the account holder's condition and confirming that you are acting on their behalf.
In the event of the account holder's death, we’re here to assist you. Please contact us or complete this form.
Submitting your documentation
To submit a Power of Attorney request, you can send a copy of the required documentation including your name, email address, contact telephone number and the account holder's name and account details to:
Online form: Power of Attorney form
If you're a Rogers together with Shaw customer, fill out this Power of Attorney form.
Email: BOT.PowerAttorneyRequests@cx.rogers.com (Include BT:0016 in the subject line)
Fax: 1-800-219-6473
Mail: Back Office Team, 70 Assomption Blvd, Moncton, NB E1C 1A1
Processing time
Once we receive all the required documentation, the name will be added or removed within 3 business days. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in providing the complete and correct documents to avoid any delays.