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BlackBerry device and services end of life January 4, 2022

As of January 4, 2022, BlackBerry will be taking steps to decommission devices running on the following software versions:

  • BlackBerry 7.1 OS and earlier
  • BlackBerry 10
  • BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.1 and earlier


The impacted devices running on software listed above will no longer reliably function on any carrier network or reliably provide talk, data, SMS messaging and 9-1-1 functionality. Impacted customers will need to upgrade to a new device before January 4, 2022.

What will be the impact to my BlackBerry device?

At the time of BlackBerry decommission, devices running BlackBerry 7.1 OS or earlier software, BlackBerry 10 software, and BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.1 or earlier software will no longer reliably function. These devices will lack the ability to receive over the air provisioning updates and their functionality including data, phone calls, SMS and 9-1-1 functionality will no longer be reliable. 

Do I need to change my device?

As a result of BlackBerry’s decision to decommission select devices, impacted customers will need to upgrade to another device before January 4, 2022. For those continuing to use their device after Jan 4, 2022, talk, data, text messaging and 9-1-1 functionality will no longer reliably function.

Will BlackBerry devices on an Android Operating System (OS) be impacted?

BlackBerry Android devices will not be impacted unless they are assigned an Enterprise Sim Based License (ESBL). If any iOS or Android device, including BlackBerry Android devices, have an ESBL license assigned, the customer will need to obtain a standard license to cover their use of BlackBerry Enterprise services with that device.

BlackBerry Android devices that are not impacted:

  • BlackBerry Motion
  • BlackBerry DTEK 50
  • BlackBerry Priv
  • BlackBerry KeyOne
  • BlackBerry Key2
  • BlackBerry Key2 LE

Which Blackberry devices and services are impacted?

Here is a full list of devices and service offerings that are affected.