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Rogers Infinite: Getting Started FAQs

I’m new to Rogers. How do I set up a MyRogers account?

To save you time, we’ve already set up a MyRogers account for you using the email address you provided during your initial account set-up with Rogers. A registration email was sent to you. All you have to do to complete your MyRogers registration is:

  1. Follow the registration link within the email.
    • Can’t find the email? Search for an email from My Rogers | Mon Rogers with Rogers.com Registration as the subject line.
  2. Enter and confirm your new password and you’re done!
Didn’t give us your email address? Register now.

I have an account but I’ve forgotten my MyRogers username/password. What do I do?

We can help you with that. Follow these links to recover your MyRogers username or password.