
The Internet Code

Starting January 31, 2020, the CRTC’s Internet Code will help customers to be better informed of their rights and responsibilities in their contracts, also known as service agreements.

The Code applies to customers who receive residential Internet services from large Internet service providers like Rogers.

How will the Code impact me?

The Code ensures that you receive information about your Internet service that is clear and easy to understand. This includes your service agreement and related documents which describe our policies. If you are on an Internet plan with data limits, the Code also ensures that you will have notifications that warn you if you are reaching your data limits as well as tools to help you manage your data use.

Will I get different service agreements because of the Code?

You will continue to receive a service agreement that clearly details the key terms, conditions and other parts of your contract when you order Internet service or make a change to your existing service. You will also receive a document called a Critical Information Summary that highlights the most important aspects of your service agreement.

Where can I find more information about the Code?

Details of the Code are available on the CRTC’s website, https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/internet/code.htm.

A series of videos about the Internet Code in ASL and LSQ are available here.