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Tips to Manage Wireless Data Usage

Here are some tips to help you or your children better manage your mobile data usage so that you can continue to enjoy your smartphone.

Monitor your usage with MyRogers

You can monitor and manage you and your family’s mobile data usage by signing in to MyRogers 

  1. Sign in to MyRogers (either through the app or a web browser).
  2. Select the mobile plan on your account that you want to monitor or manage
    • You'll see how much data is included in your plan and how much data your plan has used*.
    • You can also see how many days are left in your current billing cycle before your data resets
    • On a shared plan, you can also monitor how much data each of the members/devices on your plan has used*, set an alert for when a family member’s line reaches a set data amount, and temporarily restrict or pause data use for individual lines.  Learn more about worry-free data management

*Data usage for Share Everything and Shared Rogers Infinite customers is in real-time. For other wireless customers it may take up to 12 hours to refresh.

Check what apps are driving your data usage

Your mobile device has a built-in data usage counter that lets you see how much data specific apps use. From here you can see which apps are using the most data and take steps to reduce the amount of data an app is using or to remove the app.

To check how much data your apps are using for iOS:

  1. Select Settings.
  2. Select Cellular (or Mobile Data on some devices).
  3. Scroll down to Cellular Data section to see how much data each app is using for the current period

To check how much data your apps are using for a Samsung device:

  1. Select Apps.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Connections.
  4. Select Data usage and check how much data your apps are using for Android. Select Mobile data usage for a more detailed breakdown of data usage.

To check how much data your apps are using for a Google device:

  1. Select Settings.
  2. Select Network & Internet
  3. Select SIMs to see over mobile data usage.  Select App data usage for a more detailed breakdown of data usage


* Instructions and wording may vary slightly by device.

Tips to Save Data

Here are some top ways you can manage your mobile data usage:

  • Set any streaming applications to SD (standard definition)
  • Use public Wi-Fi that you trust where available (i.e., add school’s Wi-Fi)
  • Set data limits on your Android device (not available on iOS devices), via device settings.
  • Limit using your phone as a Mobile Hotspot - sharing your data with other devices or users can significantly increase your data usage.
  • Download any apps, music and videos over Wi-Fi before travelling.
  • Fully close apps when you're not using them (this will help with battery life, too)
  • Turn off cellular data for non-essential apps and restrict it to Wi-Fi only, via device settings
  • Disable apps from automatically syncing and refreshing
  • Disable auto-play videos on social media such as Facebook
  • Limit using location services when possible (some apps use your current location to help make them more useful and convenient)
  • Avoid using push email and set your email fetch time to grab emails with a greater time delay. When you use push email, your device is constantly looking for new messages
  • Turn off Wi-Fi assist (for iOS 9 and above devices) or Auto Switch or Smart Network Switch for Android devices, this feature automatically uses your cellular data if your Wi-Fi connection isn't strong

Nearing your monthly wireless data limit?

If you have a Rogers Infinite plan and wish to buy more high-speed data, you can add a Speed Pass.  A Speed Pass gives you more high-speed data at any time, without having to change your plan.  When you’ve reached 90% and 100% of the high-speed data included in your plan, you’ll receive an SMS with the option to purchase more data. Reply to the SMS to have this additional high-speed data added for your current billing cycle.  Learn more about adding a Speed Pass

For all other plans, if you are nearing your monthly mobile data limit, you can add a Monthly Data Add-on.  A Monthly Data Add-on gives you  more data anytime, without having to change your plan. When you reach 90% and 100% of your monthly data usage, we’ll send you a text message with simple instructions on how to purchase an add-on by text reply.  You can also text DATA to 222 to get an add-on at anytime. The data add-on will be added to your account immediately and will stay on your account every month until you wish to cancel it. You can cancel a data add-on anytime when you no longer need it. If you are on a Shared plan, the data will be shared between all the lines on your plan.  Learn More about Monthly Data Add-ons

Going over your data often?

If you think you need more data, the best option is to change your plan to one better suited to your ongoing data needs.  Change your plan