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Understanding your bill

You can always access your monthly Rogers bill online via My Rogers. If you’re a Rogers Together With Shaw customer, you can access your monthly Rogers bill online via My Shaw.  

In this article, learn how to navigate and understand your bill. 

Access your bill: My Rogers

You can view your bill online by logging in to your My Rogers web browser: 

  1. Log in to the MyRogers web browser.  

  1. From your Account Overview page, you can view your account number, account balance, and an overview of your Rogers services and subscriptions. 

  1. Select the View your bill button.  

  1. You’re now on the Bill Overview page, which includes an overview of your monthly Rogers invoice. 

  1. Select Print PDF or Save PDF to view a detailed version of your bill. 

Understanding your Rogers bill

Your bill includes an invoice summary (bill total, payment date), along with information about your account balance and associated Rogers services. Access your bill from the Bill Overview page of MyRogers. 

Access your bill via My Shaw

If you’re a Rogers Together With Shaw customer, you can view your bill online with the My Shaw web browser.  

  1. Log in to the My Shaw web browser.  

  1. From your My Bills page, you can view your account number, account balance, and an overview of your payment methods and history.  

  1. Select the View my bill button at the top of the My Bills page.  

  1. An online PDF of your invoice will open in a separate browser. 

Understanding your Rogers Together With Shaw bill  

Your bill includes an invoice summary (account number, bill total, payment date), along with a detailed list of your current charges.  

Invoice summary 

On the first page of your bill, you'll see a summary of your invoice that includes your account number, current amount due, and required payment date.  

Invoice summary includes:  

  • Account details (account number, service address) 

  • Invoice billing date and payment due date 

  • Previous account charges and payments 

  • Current total amount due 

Current charges  

On the second page of your bill, you'll see a detailed list of your current account charges.  

Current charges include: 

  • Monthly service charges 

  • Additional monthly charges (outside of your usual services) 

  • Any other charges and credits (including partial charges) 

  • Total amount due