
Stolen or lost devices or SIM cards

If you suspect your device or SIM card has been compromised in any way, please contact us immediately. We’ll add your device to the national list for lost or stolen mobile devices so it can’t be used on any network in Canada.

Tips to protect yourself

To reduce the risk of theft:

  • Always lock your device with a lock code or password or facial or finger printing features feature. Keep your phone secured and out of sight when not in use.
  • Consider downloading an app you can use to track and erase data on your phone if lost or stolen.
  • Keep a record of your device details in a safe place (phone number, make and model, colour and appearance details, PIN number

Steps to take if your device or SIM card has been stolen or lost

  • Suspend your lost or stolen phone immediately at MyRogers
  • Or contact us
  • If your device was stolen, report the theft to local police
  • You should also:
    • Inform your financial institution as soon as possible as mobile phone numbers are used for banking website authentication.
    • Update ALL of your passwords used for online access to banking, social media sites, etc.