
Add a smart home device to your Rogers Xfinity app

With the Rogers Xfinity app, you can easily access and control all your smart home devices, including door locks, LED lights, smart plugs, thermostats, and more.

What you'll need:

  • Your Rogers Xfinity app,
  • A compatible smart home device installed and activated according to the manufacturer's instructions, and
  • Login credentials for the smart home device. For example, the username and password you use to log into your August account.

Let’s get started!

  1. Open the Rogers Xfinity app and sign in using your Rogers username and password.
  2. On the Overview page, select the Home tab, and then select the + icon
  3. Scroll through the list and choose the brand of the device you’re trying to connect.
  4. Select Link now.
  5. You’ll be asked to sign in to the 3rd-party account you made when you first set up your smart device. Sign in using your 3rd-party username and password.
  6. Select Finish to complete your setup.

To control your device: from the Overview menu, just select the Home tab and you'll be able to see and control all of your connected devices.