It is very important to us that our customers enjoy a safe and secure online experience. You may have recently received an important security message about your Rogers Internet service. Below are technical details regarding a specific security issue, along with recommended steps to resolve the issue.
Rogers Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy - Bots
A device at your Rogers Internet connection appears to have been infected with a bot.
A bot is short for “robot”. A bot is an automated program that runs over the internet. Some bots run automatically, while other only execute commands when they received specific input. Bots can potentially be malicious. A bot runs behind the scenes on your device(s) and can be used to send out SPAM messages, participate in DDoS attacks, infect other computers, and access confidential files, etc.
Being infected with a bot can potentially cause slow performance, crashes or stops responding frequently.
Bots are usually installed on a device by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in its software or by breaking into accounts that are guarded weak passwords.
How to avoid bots:
- Install antivirus and antispyware programs from a trusted source.
- Keep all software up to date.
- Used strong password and keep the password private.
- Have a firewall.
- Use flash drives cautiously.
- Do not be tricked into downloading malware.
One possible option for removing these virus(s) or Malware is to perform a full system scan on your devices(s) using an up-to-date antivirus program.
Below are recommended step(s) you may take to resolve the issue.
Option 1: Scan your system with anti-virus software
If you already have anti-virus software, please perform a complete scan of your system. If you do not have anti-virus software, Rogers offers both a free and fee based anti-virus software, Rogers Online Protection which is available at If your anti-virus software does not find any viruses or malware, your system is likely still infected.
Option 2: Fix the issue on your own
If you are unable to fix the issue on your own, another option is to consult with a reputable computer support service.
Contact Rogers Technical Support
If you need more details on this matter, please contact a Rogers technical support representative for additional information.