
Reset Arris Gateway Whole Home PVR System - Hamilton

The following steps explain how to reset the Arris Portal and Arris Gateway.

  1. On the back of the Arris Portal there is a Reset button.support-tv-arris-whole-home-pvr-hamilton-settings-reset-rogers-en
  2. Press and hold Reset for 6 seconds, and then release.
    • The Portal will now reset.
    • This process can take a few minutes to complete.
  3. If the problem persists, locate the Reset button on the back of the main Arris Gateway unit.support-tv-arris-whole-home-pvr-hamilton-settings-reset-back-rogers-en
  4. Press Reset once, and then release immediately.
    • The Gateway system will now reset.
    • This process can take a few minutes to complete.

If you have an Arris model MG5225 or MP2000 and are still having issues, please call technical support at 1 855 381-7838 to have a technician swap your box. You can’t swap these boxes at our retail stores.