
Rogers Member Centre FAQ

Learn all about the new Rogers Member Centre — a one-stop shop for managing your Rogers Yahoo! email addresses.

App password generation is unavailable. To use a third-party email program, ensure you’re using the latest version that supports the native Rogers Yahoo! login.

Visit Rogers Member Center and sign in to your Yahoo! Email account to get started!

What are some of its features?

Here are some of the things you can do with the Rogers Member Centre:

My email address ends in “rogers.com” or “nl.rogers.com”. Is the Rogers Member Centre for me?

Yes, indeed it is. Sign in to start managing your email address.

Where can I find it, and how do I sign in?

Go to rogersmembercentre.com. To get started, enter your Rogers Yahoo! email address and password, then select Next.

Can I check my email in the Member Centre?

No, but once you’ve signed in to the Member Centre, select Mail in the top-right corner to access your email.


I’m having trouble logging in to the Member Centre. Any suggestions?

Did you enter your email address correctly?

  • In the Rogers Email field, be sure to enter your full @rogers.com or @nl.rogers.com email address, all in lowercase. For example, rogerscustomerx@rogers.com.

Forgot your password?

  • Follow the Forgot Password? link on the Rogers Member Centre sign in page to reset your password.

Still having issues? Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. If that does not resolve the issue, contact Internet Technical Support if you are using Rogers Home Internet or Wireless Technical Support if you are using Rogers Mobile Internet for further assistance.

What is the difference between my username and my email address?

For Rogers Yahoo! users, your username and your @rogers.com email address are the same pieces of information. While using Rogers Internet service, you'll encounter both terms - but they both refer to the same thing: your @rogers.com email address.

When you visit the Rogers Yahoo! home page, you're asked to sign in with your email address. Simply enter your @rogers.com email address (and the same password you use for email) into the Email field and you'll be signed in!