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Step 1: Restart your phone

Try turning your phone off and waiting for 30 seconds before turning it back on. Sometimes this can help.

For steps on how to restart an iPhone or Android phone, visit Restart your wireless phone.

Step 2: Ensure your MMS option is turned on (iPhone Only)

Picture message, also know as MMS, is an option on the iPhone that can be turned off. To make sure it is on, please follow the steps below.

  • Select Settings.
  • Select Messages.
  • Ensure the MMS option is turned on and showing green.

Step 3: Delete contact and message thread.

If the problem you are having is with one contact only, delete the contact and all the messages you have from that person on your phone. Ask the contact to do the same. Once that is done, test the picture message before adding them back to your contacts.

Step 4: Ensure cellular data is turned on

Picture Text only works when cellular data on the phone is turned on. Although it doesn’t use cellular data, and you don’t need a data plan for it to work, it does still need to be turned on. To make sure data is on, please follow the steps below.

Apple iPhone

  • Select Settings.
  • Select Cellular.
  • Turn on Cellular Data so you see the green.


Note: every Android is slightly different, but all should follow this basic formula.

  • Select Settings.
  • Select Connections. (sometimes called Network and Internet on different software versions)
  • Select Data Usage.
  • Ensure Mobile data is turned on. (Sometimes called Cellular Data depending on your software version)

Step 5: Check if iMessage or RCS Messaging is the problem

There are two types of texting on phones. (1) from your cellular provider, and (2) from the phone itself that uses data. On an iPhone it is called iMessage and will look like blue bubbles. (green bubbles indicate text over the cell network). On an Android it is called RCS Messaging and looks like dark blue bubbles.

If the problem you are having is iMessage or RCS Messaging, please follow the steps below

Apple iPhone

  • Select Settings.
  • Select Messages.
  • Turn iMessage off and then see if normal picture text works.
  • Toggle iMessage back on.

If after this iMessage is still not working but picture text is working, you will need to contact Apple.


Note: every Android is slightly different, but all should follow this basic formula.

  • Select the Messages App.
  • Select Settings.
  • Select the Menu Button. (3 dots at top right)
  • Select Settings.
  • Select Chat Features or Enhanced Features.
  • Turn off Chat Features and see if normal picture text works.
  • Turn Chat Features back on.

If after this RCS Messaging is still not working but picture text is working, please visit the Wireless Troubleshooting page for additional support.

Step 6: Turn off WiFi

Try turning the WiFi off to test if picture texting is working properly. To turn WiFi off, please follow the steps below.

Apple iPhone

  • Select Settings.
  • Select WiFi.
  • Turn off the switch beside WiFi so the green is no longer showing.


Note: every Android is slightly different, but all should follow this basic formula.

  • For most Androids you can bring up the Quick Setting bar to easily turn off WiFi. On the main screen, use your finger to pull down from the top of the screen which should show notifications as well as the Quick Setting bar.
  • You should see an icon for WiFi lit up. Tap on that to turn off WiFi.
  • If you do not have WiFiin the Quick Settings, then you will need to select Settings from the app list.
  • In settings you will select Connections. (sometimes called Network and Internet on different software versions)
  • Turn WiFi off so it isn’t showing any color

Step 7: Ensure your APN settings are correct on the phone

APN settings are something that allow data and picture message to work. The following steps will show you where to check them (on Android) or how to reset them. (on iPhone)

Apple iPhone

  • Select Settings.
  • Select General.
  • Select Reset.
  • Select Reset Network Settings. (Please note that all WiFi and Bluetooth settings will be erased)
  • Your iPhone will restart automatically.

Steps to connect to WiFi on iPhone.


Note: every Android is slightly different, but all should follow this basic formula.

  • Select Settings.
  • Select Connections. (sometimes called Network and Internet on different software versions)
  • Select Mobile Networks. (Sometimes you will need to click on More first)
  • Select Access Point Names (APN).
  • On this screen there should be an option selected with a dot or a checkmark beside it. Tap on that option to go into it.
  • Please visit our APN settings support page to confirm the correct APN settings are present. (Mobile APN Settings)
  • If there is no APN on this screen you will need to add a new APN. Select the plus sign (+) or select the Menu Button (3 dots) and choose Add APN. Put in the settings provided above on the APN support page, leave everything else as is and select Save.

Step 8: Visit our Network Help & Outages page

If the steps above have not fixed your issue, please visit the Wireless Troubleshooting page for additional support, where you will be able to check for outages and get assistance from our Virtual Assistant Anna.