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What is worry-free data management on a Share Everything plan or Shared Infinite plan?

Manage your family’s data through MyRogers for free with Share EverythingTM or Shared Rogers InfiniteTM plan. Just go to MyRogers to track data usage, set up fully customizable Real-Time* Alerts, or top up or pause data for each member or device that's part of the plan.

*For other wireless customers it may take up to 12 hours to refresh.

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Monitor data usage

If you have a Share Everything or Shared Infinite plan, you can see how much data you're using, in real time, through MyRogers.

Plus, if you're the Data Manager, you can see how much has been used by all of the plan members.

How can I monitor data usage?

  1. Sign in to MyRogers (either through the app or a web browser).
  2. Select your Share Everything or Shared Infinite plan.
    • You'll see how much data each of the members/devices on your plan has used** and how much is included in your plan.
    • You can also see how many days are left in your current billing cycle.

**The usage for Share Everything and Shared Infinite customers is in real-time. For other wireless customers it may take up to 12 hours to refresh.

What do I pay if I go over?

If you have a Share Everything plan, here's how you can check your overage rates:

  1. Sign in to MyRogers (either through the app or a web browser).
  2. Select your Share Everything plan, and you'll see your overage rate.

If you have a Rogers Shared infinite plan: Beyond the high-speed data bucket, each line gets unlimited data at a reduced speed up to 512kbps for basic email, browsing and apps -- no more data overages.

Alerts and notifications

Set notifications so when a family member’s line reaches its set data alert, both the Data Manager and family member get a text message.

Most of our wireless postpaid customers (including non-share plans) also get automatic text alerts from Rogers when they reach 90% of their shared data.

How can I set up customizable real-time* data alerts (only with shared plans)?

  1. Sign in to MyRogers (either through the app or a web browser).
  2. Select your Share Everything or Shared Infinite plan.
  3. Select Manage Data Usage & Alerts.
    • If this is your first time setting alerts, you’ll need to choose the account’s Data Manager.
    • If you’re using a mobile device, select the line you want to set an alert for.
  4. Turn on the alert using the data alerts
  5. Use the slider to set when you’d like to receive data alerts for each member of the plan that shares data.
  6. Select Save.
    • Alerts are delivered via text notifications.

When do I get automatic alerts?

Automatic Alerts

Most postpaid wireless customers get text alerts* if the total account's usage reaches 90% and then again at 100%.

They also receive messages when there's $30 and $90 of extra charges (overage).

Automatic Block Alerts

Share Everything plan members will have their data blocked when the total overage reaches $50 X the # of members on the plan. (E.g., an account with 3 lines would get blocked at $150 in overage charges.)

If you're on a non-shared plan, you'll be blocked from using data when your overage reaches $50 per line.

To access data for the remainder of the cycle, each individual line member must agree that they're aware of and accept the overage charges.

*Alerts are text messages and may be delayed for several reasons, including network coverage or availability.

Top-up data or change your plan

Think you'll need more data this month? Add data to your plan in just a few clicks.

If you find you're going over most months, you can change to a Rogers Shared Infinite plan that meets your data usage needs.

How can I add more data?

If you have a Share Everything plan, you can add a Data Top-up to your plan through your MyRogers account before you go over your data limit.

  1. Sign in to MyRogers (either through the app or a web browser).
  2. Select your Share Everything plan.
  3. Near the graph showing your usage, select Add data.
  4. Select the amount of data you want and then select Add data.

If you have a Shared Infinite plan, you can add a Speed Pass to your plan through your MyRogers account to keep going at high-speed data.

  1. Sign in to MyRogers (either through the app or a web browser).
  2. Under My Wireless Usage, select Add Speed Pass.
  3. Select a Speed Pass and select Continue.
  4. Select Purchase.

How can I change my plan?

Maybe a new plan would be a better fit?

If you only have one line on your Share Everything plan, or if you are on the Infinite Share plan, you can change your plan through MyRogers. Just select Change Plan when you're looking at your usage and follow the on-screen prompts.

If you have more than one line on your Share Everything plan, please contact us.

Pause data

Have a family member that's using too much data? Your Data Manager can restrict data use temporarily for individual lines.

How can I pause data (only with shared plans)?

If you have a Share Everything or Shared Infinite plan:

  1. Sign in to MyRogers (either through the app or a web browser).
  2. Select your Share Everything or Shared Infinite plan.
  3. Select Manage Data Usage & Alerts*.
    • If you’re using a mobile device, select the line you want to manage.
  4. Toggle Data Access on or off for the line on which you want to pause data.
  5. You can choose to top up data, change your plan or continue with pausing data.
    • When you change settings, the line for which you’re changing access gets a text message.
    • When the new billing cycle starts, data access is automatically restored.

*Alerts delivered via SMS notification may be delayed if receipt of SMS notifications is restricted for any reason, including due to network coverage or availability; in such an event, customers should proactively check their usage to prevent overage charges that may be incurred.

How to manage your data on your device?

Most smartphones can tell you which applications are using your data and how much data they're using.

Check which of your device’s apps are using the most data, turn off data access for these apps or stop apps from accessing data in the background. Plus, get other tips to make the most of your data and manage your wireless data usage.

How to manage your data while travelling?

If you’re using Roam Like HomeTM in an eligible destination, you’ll see your roaming data usage together with your data usage in Canada through MyRogers. This way you can keep tabs on everything, just like you can at home. Learn more about how Roam Like Home works.

If you bought a travel pack, you can't check your usage, but you can check for overage charges by texting USAGE to 3330.

Manage your data on a computer


Manage data through your phone!

Download the MyRogers app to your mobile device from the Google Play store or App store.

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