
Stream Free Movies and TV Shows with Tubi on Rogers Xfinity TV and Rogers Streaming

The Tubi app features free, ad-supported movies and TV shows including multicultural and foreign titles plus entertainment for kids.

You don’t need to register for Tubi to access it but you can sign up on tubitv.com for more personalized recommendations and adding titles to your queue.

You can access titles in your queue when you sign in to the Tubi app on other devices like smartphones and tablets.

You can also manage Parental Controls in the Tubi settings to tailor shows and movies by age.

The Tubi app is free to Rogers Xfinity bundle and Rogers StreamingTM customers. Using the app counts toward your monthly internet data usage.

Here’s how you can access Tubi:

Rogers Xfinity TV Customers

Using Voice Command

  1. Press and hold the Mic button on your Rogers Xfinity Voice Remote.
  2. Say, “Tubi,” or “Watch Tubi TV.”
  3. The Tubi app will open.

Using the Rogers Xfinity TV and Streaming Menu

  1. Press the Rogers button on your Rogers Xfinity Voice Remote to open the main menu.
  2. Select Apps.
  3. Scroll through to find the Tubi app and press OK.
  4. The Tubi app will open.Tubi Streaming location EN